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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Are there any financial aid in collegevine to assist foreigners from Nigeria who are going through financial challenges

My name is Abdoulaye Daba Safia,I am from Chad. I was born in 2006 and I am the fourth born of a family of seven children. I am an orphan, my father was assassinated in 2016 and ever since that time,life has been difficult for the entire family.

There has been a lot of financial challenges,my mother is not working and it is only the first born of my family who is living in Texas that has been helping us financially.

As a result of some family issues,we moved to Nigeria to get a better education and live a peaceful life in 2019.

I am a final year student in science department in Fruit of love college in Ibadan oyo state. I will graduate in August 2023. I wish to further my education in the medical field as a surgeon but don't have any idea of how that can be made possible because of the financial instability of the family and the unfavourable tertiary educational system of Nigeria. Since the month of February,all federal universities are on strike. Most private universities are way too expensive to afford. Currently,I don't know how to make my dream become reality.

Therefore I am appealing to this college to consider my situation and help me get admitted.

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1 answer

2 years ago

I recommend applying to the colleges on this list - they offer financial aid to international students. Hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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