2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Will an unpublished app have any significance on my application?

I have an app that has been in development since May, but since it’s been developed through volunteer developers, I’ve had a lot of trouble. First, I had a developer who set up the framework, and he delayed things so much that I had to find new developers, which means that the app that was originally about to be published in summer will still take over a month to finish. I am going to be applying early decision to UPenn Wharton and early action to a few other schools, and though the app isn’t ready, I’ve been getting my platform ready by running social media, a support blog, and different communities throughout Facebook and Reddit as well as speaker webinars. Though I’ve been using this time to get a lot of traction around the app when it is published, I don’t know how to frame this in my college applications. I am definitely going to include this in my activities list with the other things I’ve been doing, but how does the fact that the app isn’t published yet impact everything, and how can I work around it?


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Your activity is still significant even if the app is unpublished. It demonstrates your interest in computer science and shows leadership on your part, as you have managed developers and spearheaded the moving parts of a complex project. Publishing your app will simply make a strong activity even better, since you will be able to talk about its real world impact in that case.

The best thing you can do for now would be to talk about the traction your social media promotions about the app have gained. Explain this with specific quantifiable information. If this is significant, it will show that your app will likely make a large impact after it is released. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

I mean I’m also an app maker, and my app is still isn’t published at all, and I think it is all up to you, because you are the one who knows why you decided to develop that app and what’s the future impact of it for society, you still can explain it as if it has a function, it doesn’t necessarily has to be published, I can see you are doing your best to it, and that’s all you gotta do!

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