2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Introverts Chances

As someone who is more of an introvert than an extrovert, what are some tips to help boost extracurriculars and how does this play into college admissions. I know people always say "go outside your comfort zone" but is there a way where an introvert, who doesn't have many over the top extracurriculars, to find ways to "impress" colleges?

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2 years ago

Hi @matt_y!

I understand your situation, sometimes I don't want to socialize and I usually do things at home to occupy me and my transcript. While what I listed below may help you, sometimes pushing that comfort zone may lead to a new hobby or you'll find a way to impress colleges.

Strong extracurriculars can show aspects of your personality that your test scores and GPA can't. This means that when a college sees you were involved in "A, B, and C" extracurriculars, it not only shows your personality, but also that you want to help your school and community. With the elimination of SAT tests and the trend of these colleges going 'test optional,' extracurriculars are starting to mean more to colleges. Colleges also want to see that you can juggle extracurriculars and high grades. Who looks better (A) A student with a 4.0 GPA, 1520 SAT, no extracurriculars in their community or school or (B) A student with a 3.8 GPA, 1420 SAT, and several extracurriculars in their community and school and participation in non profits? Student B has a more well rounded transcript rather than the student who only studies. Colleges wants to see students who can contribute to their community and maintain high grades. In short, extracurriculars help your transcript massively these days.

Here are some examples to help you -

Your local library may offer virtual or take home projects that you can work on and give back to the library for community service.

Volunteer or ask for a job at a secluded job. 'Secluded' as in a job where you don't really have to interact with other people. This could be at a library, a veterinarian office, restaurant staff, etc.

An individual sport. This could be like swimming, track and field, karate, etc. where you work on your own individual qualities and compete by yourself. Yeah you may be on XXX High school's team, but you truly work on your own with limited interactions.

Or just try to get out of your comfort zone. I was NOT social in my 10th grade year but then I tried more clubs in my 11th grade year, and now I'm in 3 and my transcript looks much better. Only take on what you can handle though. Don't overdo yourself.

Hopefully this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to comment!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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