2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Have I done enough for college? (Yale REA or Cornell ED)

I feel like I fall short compared to some kids when I look up examples so here is what it shows on common app. I know grades need to be considered so I'll post my demographics as well.

Demographic: White, Northeast/NJ, Public School

Stats: 94 unweighted and 98 weighted GPA; 1460 SAT (700 English, 760 Math)

APs (12): Lit, History, Physics, Psych, Calc BC, Seminar, Physics C Mechanics, Physics C Electricity and Magnetism, Research, Lang, French, Stats

Honors (8): Alg 2, Bio, Pre-Calc, RBA 1, Chem, French 3, French 4, Calc 3

11, 12


5 hr/wk, 40 wk/yr

Co-Founder, Untapped Potential

Coordinate various donation events ($68K of sports equipment collected to date); donate to Newark-based organizations and hundreds of low income kids

10, 11


4 hr/wk, 25 wk/yr

Research Assistant , Yale Research Group

Research assistant to Yale professors collecting data on diabetes and mental health in Native Americans; drafted solutions to tackle and resolve issue

11, 12


9 hr/wk, 30 wk/yr

Founder, NJ Experience

Designed and built B2B online marketplace; self taught php coding; attracted 30 online stores to participate through “business first” strategy

11, 12


2 hr/wk, 20 wk/yr

Founder, Diversity & Inclusion Club

Founded in June 2022; discussion-based club focusing on awareness and eradication of mental health issues in school; currently recruiting members

10, 11, 12


2 hr/wk, 13 wk/yr

Co-Founder, Bee Kind Honey Worx

Assist family business currently host to over 600,000 bees; collect and bottle honey given away as donations; built 400 sq ft garden to grow crops

9, 10, 11, 12


2 hr/wk, 21 wk/yr

Volunteer, Liquid Church

Participated in food drives; Helped donate up to 500k meals every year to third world countries; Helped on the Relief Bus; Gave hot meals to homeless



2 hr/wk, 20 wk/yr

Co-Founder, Rube Goldberg Machine Club

Co-founded club to promote collaboration and advanced problem solving, critical thinking and risk taking; targeting National competition in early 2023



15 hr/wk, 2 wk/yr

Student in summer course, Yale Summer Springboard

Enrolled in intensive Yale online course; drafted paper and presented findings; led group project at conclusion of course and won competition

11, 12


4 hr/wk, 20 wk/yr

Editor/Marketer, Tech Cent$

Provide video editing and marketing assistance to friend’s podcast; create promotional trailers to attract listeners to Spotify account

10, 11, 12


5 hr/wk, 13 wk/yr

Golf, Team Member

Attend practices and/or matches several days per week; focusing on improving my short game; positioned myself for leadership role as senior

@Liltrooper2 years ago

@mcarnathan23 Chancing questions are no-no on CollegeVine.

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1 answer

2 years ago

Chancing questions are not permitted on this Q and A. And this is a chancing question. So you should instead input this data into your CV profile and run it on your "my list" of colleges and see how you compare to the acceptance rate. I've seen TikTok vloggers who take your stats and give an educated guess if you are going to be accepted or rejected but this Q&A is not that. There are tools on this site you can use, but it's not like Quora or Reddit, or CollegeConfidential where you might have more luck asking such things from random strangers or parents.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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  1. Be kind and respectful!
  2. Keep posts relevant to college admissions and high school.
  3. Don’t ask “chance-me” questions. Use CollegeVine’s chancing instead!

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