I want to be an engineer. I love designing things and coming to the end of a difficult math equation. Science can be a little bit difficult, but not particularly so, I still got an A in dual enrollment chemistry. I breeze through math classes most of the time. I want to make a difference, but I want to make good money too. Anyone have any suggestions?
If you haven't already picked a school and are pretty set on engineering, maybe a tech school is for you! They will have more programs oriented in this math and science area unlike liberal arts schools. Nonetheless, some schools will offer engineering majors. Plus, it depends what kind of engineer you would want to be and what the college you want to go to will offer. Often, larger schools will offer more specific programs like biomedical engineering- specific paths/majors. A good, more broad option, especially if you are unsure is to become a chemistry major (especially good for chemical engineering). It may help you to speak with an advisor to find out what your path would be to become a major at the college you would like.
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