2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is a 1120 score on the PSAT good?

I'm a 9th grader who took one of the PSATs on the Princeton Review for my school, and I got 1120, is that good? I go to Wheaton High School, in Wheaton, Maryland.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

@tomde24 if you received your score with a percentile score report as well you can see how you compare to other 9th graders. I'm sure it's a pretty good score close to the 90% percentile. If you got 1120 as a 10th grader, it might be an 80th %, and as an 11th grader a 70% percentile score, and a senior like a 60% percentile score. So college board who gave the test fully expects you to improve each year you take a standardized test.

If you are hoping to attend a top 20 or top 25 college, you will need to study and improve your PSAT score by 11th grade to somewhere between 1350-1450 and then have an SAT score somewhere between 1450-1550 by the time you apply to colleges.

If I were you, I would start by creating a free account on Khan Academy and start test prepping in your free time and be ahead of where your peers are at your high school.

2 years ago[edited]

I would say it good but it is not good enough to get National Merit Commended nor National Merit Semi-finalists.

Update: Nevermind, you're in 9th grade so u took a lighter version so I'm not too sure.

2 years ago

How "well" you did is mostly relative to how well the other people taking the test did. I would focus less on your score and more on percentage, usually accessible via a quick google search. If you would like to aim for national merit you should be roughly in the top 2% of test-takers in your state. If you want to improve your score, I am a certified SAT prep tutor at College Board, I highly recommend using all of the free resources provided to you.

Best of Luck,

Barrett Feagin

Class of 2027

National Merit Scholar 23'

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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