2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Supplemental Essays? ED round?

Hello! I have a couple questions.

1. For supplemental essays such as the “why major?”, can we re-use the exact essay for different schools since they’re asking the same question or does each one have to be different? Will I really have to write 30-some essays if I apply to about 10 schools?

2. At first, I thought ED would boost an applicant’s chance at acceptance just because you are demonstrating interest as well as a huge commitment to the school… I recently heard that the reason why some schools have higher ED rates is because of legacy students and athletes who already know they are accepted due to recruitment. Is this true? Will the chances for a “regular” applicant still be low even with ED?

Thank you all for your time, effort, and energy and best of luck to everyone applying this year!

@Serge_Lucas2 years ago

I recommend you check the prices at Powerpoint.Guru zone as it is the best place to order your presentation. I'm sure every slide will be polished, so don't waste your time and check the site.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

1. I think recycling essays is fine - as long as it is all your original work. You may want a few sentences that tie it to a particular school, but no, don't write more than 2 versions of the same essay prompt unless you want to spend your life applying to schools.

2. The stats show ED does boost one's chances of getting into a school. Assuming you are applying someplace "elite," your chances are still really low, but can double from 2% to 4% or whatever. Yes, this is "normal" (non-legacy, non-athlete) applicants. If you are 100% sure you want to attend that university, then select ED.

Best of luck with your application process!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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