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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What are response examples of the UNC- Chapel Hill Short Answer Questions?

The short answer questions like "the last time I stepped out of my comfort zone" or "if I had an extra hour every day I would spend it.."?

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2 answers

2 years ago

Response answer examples:

The last time I stepped out of my comfort zone was when I had to introduce myself to the entire school during the first basketball game of the season. But, it was hard because I struggle to speak in front of a large group on people.

The last time I stepped out of my comfort zone is when I had to present a project in class, I've always struggled to present projects in class but this class had a large number of students and I was just nervous, but I ended up completing the essay and doing great.

If I had an extra hour every day I would spent it with my family or friends because those are the individuals that make me feel loved and happy.

If I had an extra hour every day I would spent it by myself, because it's also great to value your mental health.

2 years ago

This'll not only give you examples, but will also guide how answer them. Hope it helps!

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