2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I get into a honors program with a GED

I have a GED and, I'm trying to get my college application as prestigious as possible. Any tips? How can I get into an honors society?

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3 answers

2 years ago

I do not think so because the major difference between graduating HS with a GED and graduating HS with superior course rigor, test scores, grades, ECs, and leadership roles and community service is that the latter applicant has a lot more depth and breadth to their academic narrative as well as their extracurricular/co-curricular experience.

While a GED clearly means you have met the standard for your State's requirements to fulfill an HS curriculum, it doesn't mean colleges think you are an honors candidate for their honors college.

I would apply to a College and University that has an honor college like Univ. of Oregon, Oregon State, UPitt, etc, and if you are admitted as a normal matriculant, then focus a full year on making sure I have the best grades possible and the best relationship with your professors who are going to have to write those recommendations. Once you do, I would apply to the Honors College within the same university and that will make your transition smoother and less complicated.

Applying to an honors college with a GED is super difficult and I feel you will not be as compelling an applicant as other high-achieving high school students that have a lot of application components that you do not have.

2 years ago

Getting into an honors program with a GED will be a challenge, since the rigor of your GED classes will not match the AP/IB-laden transcripts of the majority of accepted honors applicants. With that said, the holistic philosophy of college admissions means that an acceptance would not be impossible. If your extracurriculars, essays, standardized test scores, and GED score are all stellar, then colleges may look past your less rigorous high school course load. Having a hook will help too.

Since you can always get accepted to the main college even if you are rejected by an honors program, you have nothing to lose by applying. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Your best bet is to get into a school and perform admirably your first year, then apply to an honors program based on your freshman year grades.

It will be very hard to get in with a GED and no AP/honors classes unless you are very young and have really high test scores (1500+ SAT/ 34+ ACT).

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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