2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Doubt about Transcripts

I'm an indian student applying early action to princeton, for transcripts idont have my 9th grade one, i learnt upto cbse till 10th then state syllabus. I emailed princeton but didnt get a reply on what should i do actually. I have reports of 10th,11thand 12th as it were board exams (imp in india). I dont have any type of report from 9th grade as it is not considered important just like all the other grades :/. And my last school is not likely not to have it ,coz while entering there for admission after 10th grade , they only asked for my 10th grade report

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

@Athifa I hope you sent your grade report from 9th grade to Princeton regardless of whether or not they sent an official copy otherwise they have a perfect reason to reject your application for being incomplete. I don't think it's possible that you entered 10th grade without completing 9th grade but sometimes the onus is on you to prove that you attended 9th grade and completed the grade. So besides sending your own copy of your 9th-grade report card, you should back it up with .pdfs of some of your assignments showing you attended these classes and some photographs of you in 9th grade preferably in class to prove you attended 9th grade.

I would not make any assumptions about how important your 9th-grade transcript is or not. That is not up to you to decide.

Applying to Top colleges as an International student is very difficult and complicated because more often than not, International applicants have gaps in their applications either with transcripts, recommendations, or a very weak showing in the area of leadership roles, intellectual vitality outside of the classroom, course rigor and extracurricular activities.

Depending on the outcome of your SCREA application to Princeton, if you decide to apply to more American colleges during the RD application cycle, it's paramount that you do so being as complete as possible.

2 years ago

It shouldn't matter if you don't have a hard copy; you can ask for a soft copy of your 9th grade transcript from your school.

Also, how long has it been since you emailed Princeton?

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