Am I a first-generation college student if my parents attended college in another country?
Whether you are the first generation or not completely depends on the college or university you are applying to. The definitions vary widely. Some Ivys may consider you a First Gen applicant if your parents didn't attend an Ivy while others have a black-and-white definition like if neither parent attended a 4-year college, then you are a first gen applicant. Some define first gen as having a parent that attended college but not necessarily graduated. So that could mean they dropped out after 1 year like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg. While others only believe you are 1st gen if neither parent actually graduated.
Therefore you have to read the college's definition on their websites. If they are not clear, contact their college admissions office for clarification.
You are most likely not considered a first generation college student. You may want to ask the admissions officer at schools to which you are applying for their definition.
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