2 years ago
Admissions Advice

College essay

I am really struggling with writing my college essay, I feel a though I have nothing interesting to write about, I wrote an essay and it got reviewed 3 times and they all said I didn't show my personality in the essay which I'm unsure how to do. I need advice on how to come up with topics, how to show my personality, and pretty much everything else. Please help! lol

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Brainstorm ways that you're different than others. Like, do you talk when you're watching a movie? Do you like baking with others? When you get a bad grade on a test, does that motivate you or make you want to curl up in a ball and die?

I would recommend that you pick a time in which you were different than the people around you, and write about how that changed you or didn't. Don't choose something like how you studied harder than everyone on a test (too braggy) or how you can't stand a class/activity/person (too negative). For example, you could write about how you rescue half-dead flowers and press them, or why you always leave the windows open when it rains. (Hopefully that would then connect to how you've always been resourceful, or your philosophy on life, or something deeper than just that story.)

It doesn't matter how interesting you think your life or experiences are. Admissions officials want to know what you're like and why they should pick you over other students. Showing off your unique personality through a story is usually a pretty solid way to do that.

2 years ago

Here's a guide to help you figure out how to demonstrate your personality.


Hope it helps!

2 years ago

Figure out a way you personally relate to the prompt. College admissions aren't looking for a specific answer, they're looking to see if you can be creative and smart about how you answer. I had an essay that asked what is a thing I do that makes me lose track of time. I couldn't think of one specific thing. So instead I talked about how I do all sorts of things and how the general idea of becoming better makes me lose track of time. Answer in a way that you actually feel, not what you think they want you to feel.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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