4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I continue a foreign language/Choir through High School?

Hi everyone! My main question is should I continue a foreign language throughout High School. Some background for you, I took Latin three years at my middle school, but I chose to start Spanish at my High School. I took Spanish I this year, and I am planning to take Honors Spanish II next year. I assume that means that I will be in Spanish III or maybe Spanish IV because Honors includes a trimester of Spanish III (idk) in Junior Year and Spanish IV in Senior year if I choose to continue to take it. But my school only requires two world language credits, and I am hoping to perhaps take rigorous classes, as my dream schools are fairly competitive. I know that colleges would like to see that I pursued something over all four years, but I am hoping to focus mainly on science/math because I hope to apply to colleges with a pre-med major. There are only two stumbling blocks I've encountered so far.

1. I took Honors Spanish II over Honors Algebra II, so I will end up in regular Calculus in Senior year. Do you think that matters, or should I try to add Honors Algebra II to my schedule? A quick note of background, I'm taking two AP's next year and many people get less than stellar grades in Honors Algebra II...

2. My strong suit is English. I am not awful at science, I managed an A this year both trimesters, but math has always been a weak subject for me. To give you an idea of how awful at math I am, I consistently score about three points lower on the math section of the ACT than I do on the English. Oh, and my ACT score is only a 27 so obviously I need help in math. But I digress.

Now onto the second part of my explanation, which at this point is getting quite lengthy, and I apologize, but please bear with me! I have taken choir my freshman year, and I also participated in Solo and Ensemble. Next year I am doing Choir for two trimesters, as my schedule does not allow me to take it all three trimesters. I am also planning in participating in Solo and Ensemble next year even though I will not be in the actual choir class for that trimester, but I will be continuing private voice lessons. (I don't have a great voice, but I like to sing) Again, I know that colleges want people to carry through with activities through high school, and I don't want to look like I only did it for the credit... But if I chose to take more AP's once I am an upperclassman I may have to miss some trimesters of choir. Also, a quick question: Could I say that Choir was an extracurricular on my application?

To recap my arduous rant, I am struggling to decide whether to take Spanish and choir throughout my high school career even though it (Spanish) is only required for two years. Thank you in advance!


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2 answers

4 years ago

I think you should! since your dream colleges are competitive, I think it's good to do the best as you can. I, personally am doing art for my major EC, international but doing Spanish(so three languages), violin, etc. I think for Spanish, it really depends on you. If you are thinking to major in liberal arts college( and I think you said your strong path is English right?), then take Spanish and try to say you really tried to explore a lot of languages when you're interviewing or writing an essay. however, if you're not sure yet, then take summer classes! My school doesn't offer summer classes and I came here in 8th grade so I am taking Spanish 2 honors this fall(rising sophomore), but I think if your school allows you to take summer classes(especially Spanish), then you really should!

hope this helps:)))

4 years ago[edited]


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