2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Low SAT score for University of Florida: Should I go priority or space available

Hi everyone,

I found that the SAT priority deadline for UF is December 1, and if sent after, that will be considered space available.

The problem is, my application is strong, but my SAT score doesn't fit the percentiles, and I don't know the acceptance rate for space available. I saw from another blog post 3 yrs back that the acceptance rate for space available is 1%, but I think this is inaccurate. Also, my rank is not so competitive, (90/900) which is top 10% at my public hs, but I match the criteria for rigor: 13 APs, 1 DC/DE, and 9 honors classes, and decent extracurriculars like research and volunteering.

Please help me decide which submission date is best.

Thank you!


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1 answer

2 years ago

Hi @vs366

From looking at the UofFlorida website for deadlines I only see one Freshman priority deadline which is November 1.


And as you know either the SAT or ACT is required to apply.


All applicants must submit test scores from the SAT and/or the ACT. UF will superscore (take the highest scores for each subsection) to create the highest possible total score. UF does not require or encourage applications to complete the essay portion of the ACT.

ACT or SAT scores can be sent directly from the testing agency or self-reported through your application status page. Scores must be received by UF by December 1. If your test scores are not received by the deadline, your application will be moved into the space-available applicant pool.

December 1 is the deadline for submitting your SAT or ACT scores, not your application.

Submit Test Scores

December 1

ACT or SAT scores may be sent directly from the testing agency or self-reported through your application status page. If your test scores are not received by the Dec. 1 deadline, your application will be moved into the space-available applicant pool.

So your question is rather confusing. Are you asking if you should submit your low SAT score by December 1, because you are trying to retake the SAT 11/5 or 12/3? and have a strong feeling you are going to do remarkably better? Or are you asking for something else? What are the options you are talking about if there is only 1 12/1 deadline for submitting SAT or ACT scores? What is the benefit of delaying if you are not sending a better score in after 12/1???

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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