Hey! I'm from india. I was wondering if we should submit not only 2 teachers rec letters but also counselors recommendation for Princeton. Is that a requirement? Because I don't have a counselor in my school and even my transcripts are uploaded by my computer teacher( one of the teacher that recommends me). Keep in my mind that I studied at a state(public) school and literally nobody knows about ivy leagues and studying abroad procedures.
@Athifa You want to submit a complete application so if Princeton expects 2 teacher recommendations and an HS counselor, you need to find a school administrator or another teacher to take the place of the 3rd recommender. I highly recommend you used your computer teacher as the HS counselor since they are handling your transcripts and find another teacher to write the teacher recommendations. Good luck.
To keep this community safe and supportive:
Princeton doesnt require counselor rec letters but they request it.