2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I self-report SAT scores or do I have to send them to colleges?

Hey, does anyone know if colleges accept self-reported scores through common app or if I have to pay the $12 per school to send them through collegeboard? Thanks!

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@TheodoreEvans2 years ago [edited]

You made some very good points here. Wonderful... I think you've brought up some really good points. Keep doing what you're doing. fnaf

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi @Ijain,

The way it works with most colleges is that you are responsible for self-reporting your SAT or ACT or AP scores or IB scores on the common app. The colleges will evaluate your application based on your submitted test scores and render a decision. After you are accepted to said college, you are then responsible for showing evidence that your reported test scores were real. Therefore, you must contact College Board, ACT.org, or IB and have your official test scores sent to the college. If your test scores match up to the application file, you are in the clear. If for some reason, your scores do not align with the submitted test scores, it is the discretion of the college to act upon them. If you are found to have deliberately falsified your self-reported test scores, you will most likely get your application rescinded with no opportunity to appeal this.

Therefore, in conclusion, you can save money now and just self-report your test scores for the most part and then verify your test scores by ordering and official report once you have been admitted.

As a precaution, I highly recommend that you verify with each school you are applying to that they are okay with a self-reported test score.

Also, verify with the college websites whether or not they require you to report all SAT test scores or just the highest one or the super-score and its components.

Good luck.

2 years ago[edited]

I would say check what the policy is for your schools about that. If they want official scores for your application, you need to send the scores. If they say you can self-report and then send scores once you get accepted, then just send in the self-reported ones. Hope this helped!

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