2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Current or Most Recent Year Courses

Hi! I am filling out the Current or Most Recent Year Courses section on the common app, and I had a quick question.

Do I include college courses I am taking this semester? I am doing four classes at my high school, and an extra English class at my local community college.

I’m not sure whether I add this or not!

@essaycheck2 years ago

When high school students simultaneously take college courses through a college or university, this is known as dual enrollment. For Courses & Grades, only courses receiving high school credit (i.e. appearing on your high school transcript) should be reported in this section. If you are not receiving high school credit for the course, you do not need to report this course in Courses & Grades. So, if you have enrolled in your local community college privately, you cannot list it.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@aleuwii2 years ago

What if the grades are added to my high school transcript? Cause that is what I’ve been doing. I took two classes over the summer at my community college and had them added so I could raise my GPA. I am planning on doing the same with this class! I am just curious if that affects it at all, as you mentioned “high school credit.”

@Liltrooper2 years ago

Just as a note, if your HS has not pre-approved you applying your dual-enrollment classes or college classes to your HS transcript, you can not on your own increase your GPA.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@aleuwii2 years ago [edited]

I’m not sure if it’s dual enrollment. It may be? My school requires seniors take at least 5 classes. I opted for taking 4 at my school and taking 1 at my local community college, so it is going on my transcript. The summer courses have already raised my gpa!

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hey there!

As far as I know, you can fill out the courses that you're taking at a 4-year institution or a community college if it falls under the criteria of 'Dual Enrollment' or 'College Prep.' Will you be receiving credits for the English class and will those credits be added to your FInal Transcript at the end of senior year (you can contact your counselor for this)? In many cases even if you're individually pursuing a college course, school counselors may add it to your final transcript if they feel it matches the overall curriculum. If yes, then simply select Dual Enrollment from the drop-down menu and you'll be good to go! Otherwise, if it's a non-credit course, selecting College Prep will be the safest way to go.

Have a great day!

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