2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Common app help

Coming back here for another question ha ha.

Do I need to include planned classes on the "Current or Most Recent Year Courses" section of the common app? I'm curious because there is an option to mark a class as first semester, second semester, or full year.

I have one class that is a first semester only class (civics), and I will have to take Economics in my second semester to complete graduation requirements. My confusion doesn't really stem from this, though it does connect. I am taking one class (I guess it is a dual-enrollment type deal, as I am going to have it put on my transcript) at my local community college. This class is only for the first semester of the school year, and I am required to take another class at the college for my second semester.

I don't know what class I am going to take though, which is the problem. I know for sure I will be taking a college course second semester, but I don't know how I'd show that in the common app section if I'm unsure about the specifics. I'd just... not put anything, but I'm worried colleges may find it discouraging that I have less classes in my second semester.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi, I'm in the same situation as you, but I'm not too worried about this because you'll end up sending your mid year report to colleges eventually, so they'll see that you are taking more classes. And because it's senior year, I don't think it matters too much how many classes you're taking as long as the ones you are taking are rigorous to an extent. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Yes! Anything you're taking right now should be listed in current years or most recent because its still in progress and we haven't reached the first semester mark! Other than that your previous classes should be listed under the year taken

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