4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How much can I raise my GPA?

I am a rising Junior and with the hit of COVID, my grades dropped like a bullet. My school offers AP and Dual Credit, assuming I take those for the next two years, how much will my 2.8 GPA rise?


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago[edited]

I'm answering your question 100% correctly so whoever reads this don't downvote me because I'm doing what the author asked.

Caveat. I'm only going to give your final GPA as the 7th Semester GPA Fall Sr. Year not 8th semester since you are going to have to submit 3.5 years to colleges.

Here are the accurate hypotheticals

If you get 50%As and 50% Bs without taking weighted or AP classes you will have a 3.1 GPA to submit to colleges

If you get 75%As and 25% Bs without taking weighted or AP classes you will have a 3.2 GPA to submit to colleges

If you get 100%As without taking weighted or AP classes you will have a 3.31 GPA to submit to colleges

Now that changes a little with weighted classes.

If you get 50%As and 50% Bs and 1/2 your classes are weighted or AP classes and you got say 2As/2Bs in the weighted classes you will have weighted 3.26 GPA to submit to colleges

If you get 75%As and 25% Bs and 1/2 your classes are weighted or AP classes you got 3As/1B in the weighted classes you will have a 3.34 Weighted GPA to submit to colleges

If you get 100%As and 1/2 your classes are weighted or AP classes you will have a 3.53 Weighted GPA to submit to colleges

So you can see that focusing on excellence for the next 3 full semesters is totally worthwhile and doable. You have nothing to lose. Also, keep in mind that an upward trend is important so if the applications readers see that you trying your best and improving that's worth a lot as well. So if your 1 semester is a 3.5, then a 3.9, then a weighted 4.33. with a harder course rigor that shows you are hard-working, showing up to get the work down and mastering the material no matter how hard it is.

I wish you all the best.

4 years ago[edited]


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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