2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I submit a 1370 to Villanova, Babson, and University of Miami?

Just for reference, here is the rest of my application in case it makes a difference:

UW GPA: 95.1 (My school uses a 100 point scale, but on a 4.0 scale, I have 3.9)

W GPA: 97.98 (My school uses a 100 point scale, but on a 4.0 scale, I have 4.3)

Rank: My school does not rank

AP Coursework:


AP Computer Science Principles (Was the only sophomore who took this course at my school)


AP Computer Science A

AP English Language and Composition

AP Statistics (Was the only junior taking this course at my school)


AP Calculus AB

AP Government and Politics

AP English Literature and Composition

AP Psychology


Started a hospitality business that works with local and luxury hotels to list their properties on platforms like Airbnb and VRBO. I market, negotiate, and sell on their behalf in exchange for a significant chunk of the revenue I brought in. I started this business in April 2021 and have made over $150,000 to date.

When I was 10, I started a film production business. Similar to my hospitality business, I work with local companies and individuals, filming, editing, and marketing videos for them. This business took off significantly during COVID because many businesses did not have the money to hire a professional videographer. On average, I make $3000-$5000 per year from this business.

Official videographer at my high school. I am responsible for filming, editing, and marketing videos for my school for their social media pages.

President of Broadcasting Club as a freshman and sophomore. This club streamed all of my school's sports games while simultaneously commentating on the games.

I had a YouTube channel as a freshman, on which I was able to amass over 10,000 subscribers and made $4000 in ad revenue. However, I was forced to quit the channel due to my school's strict social media policies.

Stock market investing: I started investing at 15. I started with a single brokerage account, where I placed about $3000 of my YouTube earnings (the rest of my earnings go into various retirement accounts). Now, that $3000 is worth a little over $16,000. While I am aware the majority of that was due to luck and no actual skill, I felt it was worth mentioning.

Manager of the basketball team as a freshman and rugby team as a junior and senior.

Volunteer work:

Overall, I have had over 1000 hours of community service since my freshman year. A large portion of that was video work (not through my business), but I have done additional work as well.

In May 2021, I created a video for my local school's class of 2021. This video took over 500 hours to complete and I did not receive any payment (This was intentional as I wanted to give back to my old school).

In 2020, I worked with a hospital in Utah to assist suicidal teens struggling with depression.


Airbnb Superhost

VRBO Premier Host

National Honor Society

Highest honor roll at my school


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

Hi @vica

Sorry but I vehemently disagree with the logic and advice of the accepted answer.

1370 is a good SAT score and I would submit it to these schools. Why? Because they are not going to deny you admission for this score because it fits their admission profile plus you have great ECS.

The rule of thumb for all applicants is that if your SAT or ACT is within the 50% percentile range or admitted students meaning the band between the 25th percentile and the 75th percentile, you should submit your test score. Why because it means that most admits have similar test scores. If it is less than the 25th score, then you make a judgment call especially if you are a "hooked" applicant (black, LatinA, Indigenous or a from a marginalized background).

For MIAMI the 50th percentile band for the SAT of admitted students is 1310/1450

For Babson College, it's 1350/1450 and for Villanova, it's 1350/1490.

Your 1370 clears 1310 at UMiami and 1350 mark at Babson and Villanova, so I recommend you submit your test scores. And if you are a "hooked" applicant, 1370 even looks better.

The 2nd reason to apply with a good test score is that it gives you a slight boost to apply with a test score always versus going test-optional. In the past 2 test optional cycles, it has been proven that if you apply with a good test score, that improves your odds of getting accepted versus going test-optional. Why? Because it removes the doubt college admissions officers have about how well you will fare on campus taking real college courses. This is why certain schools like MIT and Georgetown and all the Georgia and Flordia state colleges have reinstated the requirement for test scores. They believe there is a predictive element of how well you will perform on campus if you submit a high test score that fits within their admitted student's 50% percentile band.

Now if your intention is to apply to UPenn Wharton, Stanford, NYU, I'd probably apply test-optional since the competition is fierce and 75% of admits have really high test scores.

The logic behind the other answer is flawed and relies too much on the admission officer inferring too much about the caliber of your work. Academics are always more impressive to admissions officers than ECs. While your ECs are amazing, to state that SATs do not match the prowess of the rest of your application is mere flattery and not based on any fact because the poster didn't bother to look up what the admitted student SAT test scores were for these 3 schools.

2 years ago

Don't submit the score because it is contradictory to the rest of your application.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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