Would it decrease my chances of getting in a good business school? Does school rank really matter. I am from a very low class school but I think I have the potential to get into a good school. Would that really affect my college application?
If no opportunities for taking AP courses/exams are available at your school/in your city, it won't work against you in admissions. However, top colleges will want to see you taking the most challenging courses that your school offers.
The level of importance of class rank depends on the college; looking up common data sets for different colleges should tell you how much class rank matters. If your school doesn't report rank, just mention that in the application.
Hope this helps!
I agree, focus on getting buissness-oriented extracurriculars, internships/a shadow program. If you lack AP's, the most important thing you can do is overcompensate with extracurriculars. I am personally a marketing student, so by firsthand experience I can tell you participating in competition via DECA, FBLA, or other buissness clubs will help you immensely. Yes, school rank matters, but schools take other aspects into consideration. Show your passion, and strengthen every other part of your application you can.
Worst case scenario, remember you can attend a community college, do your primary courses, and transfer to a buissness school for remaining credits. Your graduation certificate will say the name of the school you graduate at. This method can also help save money!
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