There are many colleges requesting my fall senior year first quarter grades, but my grades right now are super bad. My teachers haven't put in project and assignment grades that would have boosted my grades. I also have been sick with COVID for the past week so I have a lot of missing assingments which have brought down my grade last minute.
Is there a way to let the colleges know this so they don't think I am just slacking off?
Hi! I think that you should politely speak to your teachers about two things:
1. Politely request that they put in your project grades, explaining the situation
2. Ask your teachers to leave your current assignments "ungraded" since teachers are supposed to allow you to make up your sick work. I would definitely still explain the situation.
I agree with the other comment as well, saying that you should tell the college(s) you are applying to about the current situation with your grades.
Hope this helped :)
If you go to additional information under the Writing section in Common App, there's a 250 word space available for explaining such circumstances. If you need more space, just use the last prompt under writing (this allows 650 words).
Hope this helps!
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