Junior year GPA dropped. I took the SAT twice and scored within the 75th percentile. Will this affect my acceptance and possible scholarship opportunities? Should I consider early action deadlines as a safety precaution or regular admissions?
Hi @Dperry,
Whoever is going to take a shot at answering this will require more information.
What colleges are you considering applying EA? And what are your GPA and Test scores? Are you an ALDC? (recruited athlete, legacy, development candidate, child of faculty) Are you a hooked applicant? (Black, LatinA, Indigenous, LGBTQIA, disabled) Are you low income or first gen?
To keep this community safe and supportive:
3.1 gpa with 1200 SAT low income black male. Applications are a diverse mix of private and public Nova Southeastern, Hampton, Kennesaw State, Alabama State, and University of Maryland.