I started a reselling business during quarantine(so mid freshmen year) and I've made decent earnings by selling through Instagram. I was wondering if I could include it under "Other Club/Activity".
Hi @Bobby_
Thanks for your question. Re-selling on an online platform for profit is really a job if you think about it versus "Other Club/Activity". If your club was a non-profit organization that resold clothing or shoes in order to collect money to donate to a cause like sending school or art supplies to Ukrainian children, then that might qualify as such. But you are doing this apparently for your own pocket so it's a job under the category of self-employment.
Colleges value high school students who work so this is a good thing to mention on your application. I would put this self-employment under Work Experience rather than anything to do with a school club per se.
Good luck
Hi @Bobby_!
I believe this would qualify as a job or some form of self-employment. You could definitely put something like this in your extracurricular list, and maybe even write about it in your essays if you want to give more context.
Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
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