a year ago
Admissions Advice

How can I explain the relationship between my public school diploma and homeschool transcripts?

I encountered a very embarrassing problem.

I was once admitted to a public high school, but the very serious depression made me unable to work (in fact, it led to very serious sleepiness), so I left the school in the second semester of Grade 9. Since then, I have spent most of my time at home recuperating and not attending classes. But when all the courses ended, the school gave me a diploma. Of course, I didn't have a report card (in fact, I didn't take most of the exams, and I did poorly in some of the exams I took). After three years of continuous treatment, my condition has basically stabilized, and I think I am now fully qualified for high pressure work. So I decided to start my high school life again in the homeschool that my parents founded. How can I explain the relationship between my public high school diploma and my homeschool transcript when I apply for college? Am I a home-based learner?

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
a year ago[edited]

Hi @Jules_Dong, this is my re-written answer based on the NEW question and information.

Since very few people reading this will be college counselors, I think you should reach out to an actual professional who knows the ins and outs of the admissions process or someone who works in an admissions office.

In Hand 1 you have an HS Diploma but terrible grades. In Hand 2, you have a set of homeschooling documents.

If I set up the problem correctly it seems that prior to your depression, you were doing well with grades, course rigor, and activities, and then it stopped so you stayed at home unable to keep up your grades and activities.

So there is a timeline that starts with 9th grade at some prior school, then stop going to school 2nd the semester 9th grade. Despite missing classes, tests, and exams the school still graduates you with a diploma.

From 2nd semester 9th grade until now, you are home-schooled in all the courses you messed up on and have re-certified that you have learned this material and have grades to back it up.

So the crux of the problem is that you have HYBRID record. Your 3-year HS record has a gap of no report card except 1st semester 9th grade. And you have a home-school record filling that GAP. So the big question everyone will want to know is whether or not your homeschooling record is evidence that you have completely re-done all your coursework that was missed from your depression and that GAP is now fully replaced.

If that is true, then you should ask the College Counselor the best way to present your case that your HYBRID record should be satisfactory. I don't have the answer. I don't think anyone has the answer.

I don't know your personal circumstances or why you feel you should apply to college at this time. Is it because your depression is in remission and are on medication and feel that you can take on college-level work?

I feel that across the globe, there was severe learning loss during the pandemic. Depending on where you live and your support system learning loss might be 1/2 year to 1 year. And this has nothing to do with depression per se. In your case, it's hard to tell how much the pandemic was responsible for versus your depression.

Although you already graduated from that 3-year high school, you can't go back and re-matriculate since you already have a diploma.

I might recommend that you and your family look into doing a Post Graduate (13th) year of high school and a reputable private day or boarding school. I think having a 2nd chance to complete your senior year on a high school campus and thrive in your coursework, activities, and community service will give you a much better chance at applying to better colleges and getting in. Such schools often are not easy to get into but they give you safe haven and a structure and the better ones all have amazing financial aid. Seriously look into it because right now with your broken academic record, my gut tells me it's going to be complicated.

My answer is not very different from the initial one because I believe you suffered both learning loss and a lack of being able to assimilate back into a campus environment. I think going back to a private school with a campus to do an extra year of HS will show evidence that you can do high-level work and complete other goals like extracurriculars, sports, leadership roles, etc that many good colleges are looking for. Right now, your hybrid academic record will limit the number of schools you can apply to, especially if you are an International student, then which would make things more difficult. Why? If you needed a translator to post this question twice, then I'm not sure you would qualify for the English requirements and get a high score on TOEFL, IELTS, or other Duolingo.

Good luck.

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