2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Do I have to put my counselor on every college and will they receive an e-mail for every fee waiver I request?

As an international student requesting fee waivers from the common app, do I have to put my counselor college by college?, Or is there a way to put it general so they can receive all e-mails at once. Also if it's not possible can I put a different counselor on different colleges. Thank you in advance. Does my counselor needs to download the common app or can it all be via email. I'd really appreciate some help


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Your guidance counselor should only receive one email about a fee waiver request for all of the colleges you are applying to. This email will ask them to confirm the information that you entered in the fee waiver section of your Common App Profile. You will be able to submit your applications for free without their confirmation, though you would have to pay if they denied your fee waiver request later on. Hope this helps!

2 years ago


On the common app, unlike the coalition app (https://www.coalitionforcollegeaccess.org/) you can't make a blanket request to have all your application fees waived. There are 1000 colleges on the common app and they all have their own way of doing things. You have to have your HS counselor be involved for each and every college you apply to and make sure they are logged into the common app with their own account so they can do 5 things. 1.) write your recommendation, 2.) send the school profile. 3) upload your transcripts 4.) upload your mid-year report when it becomes available and 5.) if you are applying for financial aid, verify that you and your family are low-income and qualify for the fee waiver.


Once you assign your recommenders to the common app for each college you are applying to, those individuals will get a common app invitation by email. I think your HS teachers and counselors only need one common app account and from there they can see all which colleges are requesting recommendations and other information on your behalf.

Alternatively, many top colleges in the US have their own Fee Waiver policy independent of the Common App or Coalition App. So you should research the 10 or 20 colleges you are applying to with regard to fee waivers. They may have fee waiver forms linked directly from the financial aid sections of their website for you to complete. One benefit of getting a fee waiver directly from the college is that you don't have to wait for your HS counselor to approve it (if their online form doesn't require them to approve it).

Good luck.

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