2 years ago
Admissions Advice

In coursework, would IB prep/pre-IB be equivalent to honors?

Not sure

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

As a current IB student who did pre-IB (aka MYP), I will say that the coursework is separate from honors in category but fairly equivalent in value. If you are asking because you want to know if it would be considered as honors on college applications I would say that it would be considered just about the same as long as you are getting full credits for it.

2 years ago

Hi @j24q

I found this information online and after reading it, I don't think this is an honors program but more a tune-up program for those students who are deemed IB viable but currently do not have the core skills to succeed in the IB program. So I would not consider this equivalent to "honors" coursework but regular or even remedial in some very competitive schools.

Passage I read:

The Pre-IB program is specifically designed for students that have indicated a potential to be successful in the IB Diploma but may lack the skills that are necessary to access the IB program and/or have not completed the first year of the IGCSE program.

Students who should consider joining the Pre-IB Programme include:

-Those who joined The British School in Year 11, thereby losing out on the full GCSE program

-Those whose English is not fluent, particularly in the area of written English. The Pre-IB Programme has an emphasis on improving students’ skills in English.

-Students joining The British School directly from the a different country system

-Those whose academic abilities are such that they risk failing the Diploma if they complete only two years rather than three years of Pre-IB and IB program

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