I am trying to pad up my extracurricular resume without making it seem to scattered. what are some non-club activities I could start that look really appealing to colleges?
Try volunteering! Colleges love someone that gives back to their community!
you could start writing a blog upon your interested topic, this can show that you are in touch with your writing side. you dont need to publicise your blog as such, just keep writing and uploading it. try to do some weekly volunteering about a topic that resonates with you as you would have the ability write more about it as well. Some kind of work experince, doesnt necessarily have to be related to your major. open an instagram or youtube account and post content regarding your field. There are many things you could do like this
develop a skill! it doesn't have to be formal. I do photography and creative writing, but neither of them are on a strict schedule. I can take weeks off at a time as needed if I need to and still develop those skills and have that on my resume. As for not looking too scattered, you can look to develop a skill in an area you already show interest in, like learning genealogy skills if you've already shown an interest in history, etc. I don't know what exactly colleges will look for, but anything that makes you seem less like a robot who spits out test scores and more like an actual human being with interests can't hurt.
To keep this community safe and supportive:
Part Time Jobs, Volunteer work, Research Programs, Tutoring, Competitions (UIL, writing contests, team), Join Organizations that promote your interests (example: environmental awareness etc.)