a year ago
Admissions Advice

I need help with an optional part of a scholarship I’m applying to that’s not really clear.

I applied for a scholarship for international students and the documents I need to attach are my essay, my records and “any additional information that could help describe my story”. I’m really looking for help on the last document. My story is basically describing how Covid impacted my decision of studying to become a pharmacology but I really don’t know what they mean by any additional info. I guess in my essay I didn’t talk about Covid effecting my family because I didn’t have enough words. So maybe I could talk about that? Can anybody help or give any advice? It’s not mandatory so I don’t have to but if I don’t I feel like my application will be poorer than others.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Hi @bassiclaudia

Are you 100% certain the request for add'l information that could describe your story is related to the personal essay that you submitted about pharmacology?

Personally, I do not think that is what they are asking for. I think they are asking for something new and different that what you already submitted.

I understand your personal essay is about how COVID affected your family and impacted your decision to study Pharmacology. But that is not your story. That is rather a "cause and effect" for picking a major to pursue in college.

What they are asking about is something simpler which is for you to share more information about who you are, how you think, what drives your passions, what motivates you, what you like to do, and what is important to you. Basically, they are asking for a self-narrative of your personal character backed up by evidence from your childhood, teen years, experiences at home, travel, work, sports, etc.

What they are NOT asking for is more information on why you like pharmacology.

Good luck.

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