2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is there any free act personal help?

My family can't afford ACT prep/tutoring and I have tried to improve my score on the ACT to no avail. I'm at 25's and I need 33's. I really need personal help but my family can't afford it. I need help. Does anyone know where to get free act prep personal help or free tutoring? I really need it. My GPA is good, and I have good officer roles, but I don't have the test scores needed at some colleges. I'm a junior and I'm afraid that I'm running out of time. Please let me know if you have any ideas.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

Hi @Katt

Unfortunately, there is no free ACT portal like Khan Academy for the SAT. The only thing you can do is buy some test prep books from Amazon or your local bookstore if they stock such things. I'm assuming you already have some of those but they are not working.

I would not use the additional information section to explain why you think the ACT doesn't fit your learning style. That's not going to help you gain any sympathy from whoever reads your application file.

My recommendation is to switch to the SAT because I do not think it will possible to get a 33+ ACT score without significant ACT tutoring or paying for an online ACT test prep program.

The benefits of switching to the SAT are that Khan Academy is an excellent resource for test prepping and you can focus on learning the material that you are struggling with because they monitor your strengths and weaknesses. And you can augment your practice tests by google searching where to download free SAT practice tests from previous years. I think there are a lot more FREE resources for the SAT than for the ACT.

If you do not get to the equivalent of 1450-1480 (33 ACT) on the SAT, then you can decide whether or not you want to apply for a college test optional.

What you should not do is beat yourself up about standardized testing. Many students just do not do well on these. Therefore if you have already tried to up your 25 "to no avail", I'm inclined to think that may you need to move to the SAT.

The SAT is a slower-paced test with fewer questions. Plus you only have to focus on 2 subjects Math and English. Also, Math is much simpler math than SAT math. There is no Pre-Calc on the SAT math section.

What do you have to lose at this point? Good luck

2 years ago

When I was looking around for ACT prep I didn't find any free prep classes but you could definitely get a prep book. another thing you could do is find teachers on youtube to cover the topics you're struggling with on the ACT. You could also talk to your teachers and if you have like a free hour during the day or like an advisory meet with them and review things you struggle on whether it be math english science or the essays. My final piece of advice would be taking practice essays with prompts online and grade them yourselves to see if you both meet the time limit and answer all angles of the prompt.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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