Hello. In the Cornell Hotel School Admissions website, under the “What courses should I have taken in high school before I apply to the Nolan School?” section, it states that the following secondary school subjects are required:
“4 units of English, 4 of mathematics (including precalculus), 2 units of science (including chemistry), and 3 years or completion of the third level of a single foreign language for native English speakers. Additional units of higher-level math, particularly calculus, are recommended but not required.”
I have already completed all the requirements except the foreign language (I am currently taking Honors Latin III as a senior). Did I have to complete three years of a foreign language before applying, or am I fine as long as I complete Latin III before I graduate?
Hi @vica, taking Latin III or 3 years of Latin is perfectly acceptable.
Nevertheless, since you are applying to one of the best if not the best hotel management schools in the world, and your completion of the program will put you in touch with the finest resorts and hotels, might I suggest that you consider learning French, Italian, Spanish or German?
I think that would look good on your application if you started learning one of these languages on your own.
Good luck.
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