I am a sophomore taking a heavy course load of all weighted classes. One of my classes is known to be the hardest in our school - it is an Advanced Honors PreCalculus class (I am in 10th grade) which is a step above the Advanced Precalculus and is also the feeder course for AP Calc BC, which I would be taking in 11th grade if I can successfully graduate this course. I just got my first marking period grades and because I am taking all advanced, AP, or honors courses, I received a 4.63 WEIGHTED GPA and have all As and A+s BUT a C in the precalc class. My teacher encouraged me to stick with it and thinks I can raise my cumulative grade but rarely gives out more than a B so I don't feel confident that I can end 10th grade with higher than a B- or B cumulative grade in that class.
My question is this, should I stick it out knowing that I will feed into a higher-level math class in junior year, or would it make more sense to downgrade to the Advanced Precalc course which will then feed into the AP Calc AB class?
I am hoping to major in finance and have goals of going to an Ivy League or honors program at a strong Top 25 school but now I am worried this won't be possible with a C showing up for this course, especially if I struggle to pull up my grade for the subsequent marking periods.
I am taking all advanced and/or AP classes this year, am accelerated in math and foreign languages, and next year my entire course load will be AP so I am trying to challenge myself but this class is proving to be more difficult than I thought. Will one C with all other As & A+s truly rule out an ivy league?
You are already ahead by taking an Pre-Calc as a sophmore if you don't feel confident in passing the class you can always take AP Calc BC your senior year. Colleges like to see students challenge themselves, but if youre biting off more than you can chew you'll have stressful year.
This happened to me in my junior year, with a college-level chemistry class (terrible teacher). I stuck with it believing I could bring it up to a B but ended up with a C.
If you have a bad feeling GET OUT before it ruins your record.
I don't believe I will get into any ivy despite my GPA and scores because of this. I suppose we will see once I get my decisions back, but I do not have high hopes.
I'm also a Sophomore , I have all my school credits done after this year and plan on taking early college courses . I know a lot of schools look at you challenging yourself with AP and honor classes . I think you should downgrade to AP classes , just because colleges look for AP .
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