I have a 3.8 cumulative unweighted first sem of junior year, a 4.0 first sem rn, hoping to get to 3.9 unweighted senior. I got a 79% in Ap world last year. Will this kick me out of Columbia running? I have a stunning EC list, but I’m worried it won’t be enough.
Hi @Kyu.beyy
Can you clarify your grades? What is your current overall unweighted GPA? Sharing your per-semester grades doesn't really provide enough information to answer your question with any accuracy.
Also, can you answer these as well? How many APs do you plan to take? What are your top ECs? What are your test scores?
To keep this community safe and supportive:
Thanks for awarding me the accepted answer. I'm still 100% more than happy to give you a better answer if you provide some more info. Thanks