4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does amazing charity work help your high school resume? Does interning for a senator/governor help?

I was thinking about I know I want to do service. I am already planning on working at food banks and doing a service trip. However, I read on college vine those are lower tiers of service. I was thinking about hosting a charity event and raising 35-100k+since I saw those were top tier for service. I have the free time to host it at a great place, full of great people that could very likely raise over 35k. This could even be a college essay. Thoughts? Would this help? I felt like this mioght make me stand out? In my college application do they ask for in dept what I did service or would this be looked over!!??

Also, I saw there were tiers for jobs and hobbies. Internships for a senator/governor were second on the list. I don't remember the exact category. However, would an internship from a Senator or governor help. I am also interested in politics so it seems like a good opportunity for me if it helps. Please let me know any thoughts!!??


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2 answers

4 years ago

you should only pursue this idea if you have actual interest in serving the community you are raising money for. yes it may be a good essay topic, but it's how you present yourself in that essay in relation to your service experience.

i don't want to assume, but from the way you worded this question it seems like you are only pursuing this charity event to boost your application. colleges want students to shows who they are by sharing authentic experiences.

you said you are interested in politics, so maybe that would be a better route to take, but know that simply checking extracurriculars and accomplishments off your list to boost your app is not the right way to go, and admissions officers are bound to see through it.

find something your really passionate about and give it your all. good luck!!

4 years ago

you should only pursue this idea if you have actual interest in serving the community you are raising money for. yes it may be a good essay topic, but it's how you present yourself in that essay in relation to your service experience.

i don't want to assume, but from the way you worded this question it seems like you are only pursuing this charity event to boost your application. colleges want students to shows who they are by sharing authentic experiences.

you said you are interested in politics, so maybe that would be a better route to take, but know that simply checking extracurriculars and accomplishments off your list to boost your app is not the right way to go, and admissions officers are bound to see through it.

find something your really passionate about and give it your all. good luck!!

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