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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

I've started applying to American schools, but I also want to apply internationally. Any tips?

I want to apply to Sorbonne Universite, Oxford, and Cambridge University. Does anyone have any experience? What should I know? How do I apply?

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2 years ago[edited]

Hi @stalebaguette,

If you have already started the application process for US colleges, then you know about the Common App or the Coalition App. Just be aware that many Public or State school systems like the UC (Univ of California) ones have their own portals. Also, some schools like MIT, Rutgers, James Madison, and Georgetown do not use the Common App.

For UK schools including those in Wales, Scotland use something called the UCAS portal.

UCAS is like the common app for the UK. The major difference between applying for colleges in the UK is that most offers (acceptances) are conditional. This means that you have complete some coursework or keep up your grades or score some benchmark on your A levels to qualify for matriculation. Secondly, in the UK, you pick your area of study as part of your application. So if you want to be a doctor, you pick your Medical School program. If you want to be a Lawyer/Attorney, you pick Law. And so forth and so on. In AMERICA, there is a distinct delineation between undergraduate studies and graduate/professional school studies. You can't apply directly to Law School or Medical School (although there is something called the BS/MD dual degree program you have to earn your BS first on an accelerated basis prior to starting the MD program). Third, is that all undergraduate programs are (3) years not (4) years. But they might be considerably more intense for the 3 straight years. Forth, UK schools are on paper less expensive than American private universities but more in line with American state universities for home citizens. That being said, many of the Top colleges in the UK are still very underfunded so you will not get full-ride tuition, room, and board very easily as an international student. And 4th but not least, is that you can't apply to Both Oxford and Cambridge concurrently as an undergrad applicant. You have to choose which school you wish to apply to and stick with that. They are both 1 and 2 in the UK so it really doesn't matter which one you chose but be very careful about researching all the separate colleges at Oxford (there are 39 colleges) and Cambridge (31 colleges). Some colleges have more financial aid than others. And some are harder to get into than others. So if you apply to either one of those, you have to pick the top college you are applying to. If you are lucky enough to get into St.Johns, New College, Magdalen, Balliol, Oriel, Merton, or Christ Church you are set. If you don't get in but are accepted to Oxford, they put you in a pool, and like a lottery, you get assigned an under-subscribed college that is the best fit for you. Honestly, I think all Oxford and Cambridge colleges are perfectly great places but some are more prestigious than others and perhaps better suited for the posh entitled graduates of Eton, Harrow, and other elite boarding schools who have the means to take advantage of the additional costs of attending balls, parties, going out to dinner frequently and the cost of alcohol and other pharmaceuticals that is commonly associated with the "public school" set of students.

If you want to apply to some top schools like Trinity College in Dublin, you will have to apply directly there:

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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