2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Eligibility for Most Merit Scholarships at Public/Private Schools?"


asian-indian male in CA, socal area

intended majors: data science, stats, data analytics, applied mathematics

GPA: 3.85 UW/ 4.4 W, as of this post being created (should go up significantly in time for RD's)

class rank: 93 out of ~1100

school context: 5k kids, but our academics are pretty bad (avg sat is around a 1100 or so)

course rigor: 12 AP's including ones in senior year, 3 DE's, 5 Honors (senior year: us gov, csa, lit, bc, stats,

phys c mech)

SAT: 1480 (710 EBRW, 770 M)


\- rotary interact: 3 yrs, member, historian, and VP | 50+ members and local recognition within

our city through a certificate (community service)

\- fbla: 3 yrs, member, march of dimes committee member + membership committee member |

raised $5k to $7k for march of dimes cause and actively recruited new members into the


\- innovators + cybersecurity, 2 yrs | founded a community at school for like minded STEM

individuals to pursue their passions, developed connections with other high schools in the

region/state after our cyber competitions fell short because of minimal resources, put offensive

cyber techniques in place of our defensive

\- unmute, 2 yrs | founded a newly formed nonprofit that helps with teens mental health,

launched a brand ambassador program and a global chapter to reach teenagers struggling

around the world, social media page + website is in progress currently

\- ryft, 2 yrs | co-founded an academic community that specializes in SAT, AP, and college

admissions prep, at one point, we had over 350+ active members, paid SAT tutoring as well

\- upchieve, 3 yrs | tutored underprivileged and low-income kids online and accumulated 100+

volunteer hours, certifications in most AP science and math courses

\- family responsibilities and organizing culturally based potlucks, 5-6 yrs | mentor for my little

brother, everything from social to emotional to physical, running errands for the family whenever

parents are in need of something | set up stages, speakers, food and drink, as well as basic

amenities, developed strong personal bonds with elders around the community as well as

leadership skills, essentially a part-time job

\- internship with a foreign company in India: image visualization with Python as well as machine

learning + AI, verified certificate

\- ai program: working with a brown university grad researcher in CS (undergrad from UCLA) to

create an engaging object detection project, presented to a panel of parents at the end and

other mentors from Stanford, MIT, Cornell, other big schools, used Google Colab as well as

TensorFlow and Keras

awards: usual, principal honor roll (4.0+ GPA), AP Scholar with Distinction, UC Designated ELC

Letter, 1st in District Science Fair, 3rd at County for Microbio Research, BAA Leader and

Contributor Award from FBLA

LOR: 9/10. I've developed strong bonds with my teachers, (AP Lang, AP Calc, AP CSP/CSA -

same teacher for both), throughout the years and am confident that these will be good.

Especially hoping for a stacked LOR from my AP CS teacher as we've grown very close

throughout my 4 years in HS.

Essays: 8.5-9/10. I confide in myself as a strong essay writer and hope this is the main highlight

for scholarships, etc.

UIUC CS + Stats, Purdue Data Sci, CU Boulder Data Sci, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSD (Data Sci, Applied Math or Data Theory)

P.S. this is not a post to brag, but for the purposes of merit scholarships that most public/privates offer.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi @mehul422

I think you are a strong candidate for merit awards at Purdue, CU Boulder, and UCSD but definitely not UIUC, UCLA, or UC Berkeley because your GPA/Test Scores/ECs are very typical and average or slightly below average for the last 3. I think you have a good chance of getting into all those schools RD nevertheless. Getting merit aid at the best public schools for the most popular majors is very difficult because the average admit has a 3.95 and 1530+ for STEMy majors.

At Top 25 privates you are not going to get any Merit aid because their main focus is need-based aid. I think you'd have a better chance of getting Merit aid at tier 2 or tier 3 privates. So maybe Wake Forest University, Chapman, Santa Clara, Pepperdine, Colorado College, Whitman College, University of Miami, Syracuse, Clark college, or Trinity College.

3-5 years ago you'd be in the sweet spot for UVA, UMich, William and Mary, Washington, and Lee Merit aid. But these days, as you know you have 3 strikes against you.

1. You are Asian so the competition is fierce and Affirmative Action works against you.

2. You are picking competitive majors.

3. Due to the pandemic, there are like 50% more applicants applying to the best colleges in the US. UCLA now has a 9% admit rate and UC Berkeley has an 11.4%. That used to be Cornell and Dartmouth 3-4 years ago.

I would research your college list and figure out which major you can apply under that you still are highly qualified for and then transfer into CS after 1 or 2 years.

2 years ago

There are no set criteria for merit aid, since the merit that colleges are looking for can be in any area. Anything from academic achievement benchmarks to extracurricular niches can be the guidelines that colleges use in their decision-making process, which they keep opaque by not publicly disclosing much information about it.

The schools that are more likely to award you with merit aid are the ones where you have the highest odds of getting in. You can use CollegeVine's chancing engine to determine this. In addition, applying EA and ED can sometimes increase your merit aid chances. University websites will often directly state if this is the case.

Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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