For a college essay, I need to write about an issue or topic I am passionate about.
I have two topics in mind, and I am confused about whic one to choose.
First, is women abuse. This is something I have seen in my own home, and have impacted me. Seeing this at my own home, I was determined that I would make myself so capable that I would never have to find myself in this situation
Second, is dog abuse. I love dogs. In my community there was a dog, whom I loved. I used to feed him and take care of him. However, someone in my community posioned her. I was devastated about this. I haven't done anything for this but plan to do it in the future. Is this a good topic?
I mentioned my essay topics above, can someone help me figure out ,which topic I should go wiyj
I feel the former is a stronger topic and has more directly impacted you and makes you stand out more rather than dog abuse which many people have seen before.
Hi! I think both topics are very good because abuse is that thing that we must resist at every level, by discussing it in society as well. I think you should listen to yourself better, to choose the correct way.
I agree with @Chels, you seem to have a deeper connection to what happened in your own home, plus you can turn this essay into one on self-growth and how you will protect yourself/others if applicable from that abuse. Example is if the abuse was physical and you have since gotten passionate about learning self-defense, you can explain that.
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