2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I major in something that I'm passionate about or something that will make me money?


Should I pursue something that I want to do (sports journalism) or something that has a higher chance of making more money (lawyer)?

I wasn't sure where to post this question but I figured here made the most sense.


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5 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I would say go with your gut! If you feel that you would be happiest and feel most motivated in a sports journalism career, go for it! sports journalists can also make a good salary compared to journalists for other beats. In any case, consider that you don't need to decide anything about your career during college, but you should pursue topics that interest you and make you feel excited for the future generally.

2 years ago

I think before choosing a carrer, think about various aspects, (your interest, money, and whether you are good at it). To pursue law, you should have at least a little bit of interest in that. If you have no interest and you end up pursuing carrer of lawyer, then the chances are that you would not be happy, leading you to perform poorly. If you are not good at being lawyer, then you won't even earn that much. If you pursue something that interests you, and you are good at it, then you would be able to earn more. I suggest research more on both the careers, and then make a choice

2 years ago

I would say the former. Being a lawyer will take around a decade in education and is a very draining career if your only in it for money which can also be applied to any field that makes a large income. I say follow your dreams as life really is short. My dream is to be a lawyer which is why I’m prepared for the hard work it takes to be one. It’s also hard to stay motivated when you are unhappy with your career.

2 years ago

In the long run, doing something you are passionate and good at will make you more money than doing something that does not let you have fun, it is your life after all. But just know even if you make the wrong major now, you can always trial and error majors and switch after seeing which majors and classes you enjoy. I wish you the best of luck, and i believe you will make the best possible decision :)

2 years ago

Find a balance. Go for sports and entertainment law. If you can't declare a major that specific right now, I would go for law but take a minor or continue pursuing sports/journalism on the side in some other way.

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