2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does anyone know how low of a probability you can have and still get into a prestigious school?

I currently have a 9% chance of getting into The U.S Naval Academy and me being in the junior year with a shotty past history, have a limited amount of available opportunity to get more on my resume. It's been weighing quite heavily on me and I wonder if it's still a chance in hell that im accepted.

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@klo82 years ago

Hello! As a fellow junior looking to get into the Navy Academy, have you looked into the Summer Seminar? If not, it's a program that allows you to apply and spend a week on campus and take up the same regimen current students have. Another possibility to look into is summer clubs, such as community service and sports. Good luck!

[🎤 AUTHOR]@ThomasRusk2 years ago

Thank you I am looking into it now, additionally there is a meeting of sorts in may with congressionally people to further approach opportunity of getting the congressional nomination.

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Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi @ThomasRusk

My 2 cents. I think having amazing recommendations is a very important consideration so I would highly recommend that you do an internship/community service with someone like a Mayor, Congressperson, or Senator. Now is a good time to line that up for the Summer season and fall. Other similar jobs would be like being a "Page" in Washington DC.

If you listened to the 4-5 hours of oral arguments for the Supreme Court cases regarding Harvard and UNC, you will have learned that overturning affirmative action will hurt the Military Academies greatly. Why? They count on recruiting a lot of low-income, first-gen Black, Latina, and Indigenous applicants. So if by chance you are BIPOC, then that will help your application chances.

If you are BIPOC, I would hedge my bets and apply also to WestPoint and ColoradoSprings and even the Coast Guard Academy as a target/safety.

Nevertheless, make sure you have enough target schools on your college list so you will have a good college to get into.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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