2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Weeks Spent Per Year...

So I am currently filling out the CommonApp and I am really confused about how I should go about approaching the "weeks spent per year" section. One of the activities I participate in is being a Freshman Monitoring Program (FMP) Coach. This activity happens during school every day during advisory where I basically mentor and guide the freshmen in my advisory. Do I just put like x amount of weeks that are in a school year since I do this every day during school? This is also the same for work. I work every week but only like one or two days a week because my parents want me to focus on school. Do I just put 52 weeks?


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi @DarkShadow

You should not put in 52 weeks because no high school student is in school for 52 straight weeks. Most HS students are in school +/- 36 school weeks if you take 13 weeks for summer break, spring break, and winter break holiday.

Only count the weeks that you are actually doing an EC activity or a work activity. So if you do the FMP program and spend 1 hour a school day on that, that would be 5 hours a week for 36 weeks.

If you overstate the time you put into your ECs, all college admissions readers will flag your application as someone who didn't read the directions or was trying to be more impressive by their time commitment.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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