2 years ago
Admissions Advice

BS/MD Program (Specific question in description)

Hi there!

I have a few questions in regards to BS/MD programs - -

- Can I apply to BS/MD program and regular Pre-Med at the same college as a safety net?

- If I am accepted to a BS/MD program at a college, is it possible for them to also offer me a full ride/any scholarships?

- I know that there are 6, 7 and even 8 year programs, but how much different is an 8 year BS/MD program than the pre-med route (other than possibly no MCAT, guaranteed Med School entrance, cheaper prices, etc.)?

Colleges I want to apply to are Stony Brook University, Hofstra, and University of Albany (SUNY). I have others on my list, but I don't think these ones have BS/MD programs... University at Buffalo (SUNY), UW.

If you need any more information about my academics/ stats or just a clarification of my questions, feel free to ask! Thank you so much for your help!! I really appreciate it.


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1 answer

2 years ago

Hi @blohsh_13!

- Yes, you can apply to a BS/MD program and as a regular undergrad at the same college. The chances of getting in as a normal undergrad are much higher than the chances off getting into a BS/MD program.

- Acceptance to a BS/MD program doesn't make you ineligible for scholarships. You'll get scholarships and financial aid based on merit and need.

-Other than what you've mentioned, there's no significant difference between an 8-year BS/MD program and the regular premed route.

-If you want a list of BS/MD programs, just google it.

Hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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