a year ago
Admissions Advice

B in my math class

Hi! I took an honors algebra 2 class this year when I did regular math last year. Unfortunately, I will finish with a B this semester, but I am okay with this because I know I tried my hardest and did my best. I studied really hard, so I am okay with this grade. And the reason I am getting a B is because I made minor mistakes on my tests and now have a low test average. I know this is a long shot, but I am still dreaming of going to Ivy League or top schools like Stanford, Harvard, or Brown. Do you think a B will automatically defer me from getting into these schools? Thank you. All of my other grades are As btw :)


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Hi @keeks!

Getting a B does not automatically deter you from getting into top schools. It's a common misconception that you need to be a straight-A student for acceptance to very reputed colleges.

Top colleges like to see that you've challenged yourself by choosing the most rigorous classes from what is available to you. If possible, try taking classes with AP or honors destination in the future. If you apply with almost all A's, but in regular classes, your transcript will be less impressive than that of someone with mostly B's but in AP classes.

The next big thing is extracurriculars. Involvement in sports, arts, work, family responsibilities, and other activities is important in your "holistic development", which is the buzzword in college admissions. You should show commitment by regularly engaging in activities over a long time period. Rather than trying to look "well-rounded", focus on your strengths.

Application essays are also important, but you don't need to worry about them right now.

Hope this helps!

a year ago[edited]

Your B will not have a serious impact on your chances of getting into a top school. An UWGPA at or above 3.8 will make you competitive for any school in the country - you could still earn such a GPA if around 20% of your grades were B's!

Colleges admissions is holistic, which means that your essays, extracurriculars, and other application components are just as important as your grades, if not more. Continuing to work on these parts of your application will further offset the effects of your B.

Hope this helps!

a year ago

Hey there! I'm a high school freshman taking who is also taking Honors Algebra II this year. I have an A- in Honors Algebra II right now, and I am proud of my efforts and definitely think that understanding the material is more important than the grade I receive, but I was also initially a little worried about how an A- would look on my transcript.

I think the most important thing is that you show growth; math is a difficult subject for many people, and showing an upward trend in your grades will definitely be positive. I don't think that getting into an Ivy League in a long shot for you, especially if you maintain good grades and participate in extracurriculars! Develop good math study habits, such as reviewing old tests and quizzes, solving problem sets, and using Khan Academy for extra help. Also, it might behoove you to meet with your teacher and discuss any topics that confuse you. I promise that it really helps.

Good luck with everything!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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