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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

The program at a universities I was planning to apply to is only a minor. Is it worth it to apply to my desired major?

I was really interested in Brandeis University, as many of my cousins who were interested in journalism as well as share my Jewish heritage really enjoyed their experiences there. When I was filling out the common app, I found out that their journalism program is only available to undergraduates as a minor. Is it worth it to finish my application if I would have to major in something I was less interested in than journalism?


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I recommend finishing your application. Since journalism is only offered as a minor at most colleges, you have nothing to lose by applying to Brandeis.

The great thing about a journalism minor is that it pairs well with any major. For example, you could major in Physics and build a career reporting on scientific news. Choose the major you find the most interesting, and it will inspire your career path in journalism.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Hi @meiraclara!

Did your cousins not tell you that journalism is only offered as a minor?

If you're done with most of your application and you don't have other college options, you should finish. Select any other major related to journalism (like English) as a major while applying. Since you've heard about Brandeis from students who actually attended, it's likely that your interest would be evident in your essays, which do have an impact on your chances. You have a better chance of getting into Brandeis than into an equally reputed university about which you only know what's on the website. That's why you shouldn't completely eliminate Brandeis right now.

Meanwhile, try finding some other universities that offer journalism as a major. A list of majors offered can be found on college websites.

Hope this helps!

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