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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Worried about applications

I've always worried about colleges and applications considering that i'm not the best at writing essays or articulating my thoughts werbally, so is there any good mental prep for college applications?

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3 answers

2 years ago[edited]

Hi @TowiStroh!

Essays are the only part that you're worried about, right? Some millions of students apply to college each year. Not all of them are high-caliber writers. Essays are an essential part of your application but don't stress too much about them (unless you're applying as an English/journalism major). You don't need mental prep; you need writing prep. There are a lot of resources on Google and YouTube that guide you through the essays. Grammarly is a great tool for helping you avoid grammatical and expression errors.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Brainstorming college essay ideas is a great way to prepare yourself for the application process. To do so, use a pencil and paper to write down the first words you think of when you read a prompt. Write without thinking too hard, as if your stream of consciousness was flowing.

After a few minutes, you will see that you have many more interesting topics to write about than you might expect at first! You can then choose the best topic from your list to use as your inspiration for your essay. The brainstorming exercise can help you think of reasons why you want to go to a certain college as well.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Hello! Honestly college essays aren't that hard (or at least the ones I did, I didn't have to be some extraordinary writer) unless you're going to a more competitive school. They normally have you write an essay on either yourself and life experiences or why you want to go to that specific college but I can assure you you'll do good! If you want you can practice and look up personal insight questions then see what you can take from that to put into your essays. Overall they just want to know about you! If you need help you can look to advisors or peers to review your essays! I use if I need to rephrase/my writing doesn't sound how I want it.

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