Hi! I have recently started my Common App essay and I need help figuring out which would look better. In my essay, I have a quote from my parents saying something in another language. Should I write that quote in the language my parents speak, શું શેરોના ભાવમાં વધારો થયો છે, or just write it in English, Śuṁ śērōnā bhāvamāṁ vadhārō thayō chē? Which would look better? Help!
Hi @DarkShadow!
Unfortunately, not many admissions officers would understand that it means "Have the share prices gone up?" Even the second version wouldn't make sense to them. In 99% of cases (I'm being lenient about the 1% chance), એમને ગુજરાતી નહિ આવડતું હોય (they wouldn't know Gujarati). You will have to include the English translation as I did above.
Hope this helps!
If you utilize two languages in your essay, it will be interrupted. You should only use one language ovo game
Honestly, I would try and write it in English as many colleges are most familiar with English linguistics. You could put in your app that you have another language and speak fluently in it as that would be sure to impress colleges.
Thanks and hope this helps!
I know for the UC's theres a thing where if you do put in another language you need to add a translation so i recc not putting it in the romanized version but the શું શેરોના ભાવમાં વધારો થયો છે version and then adding a () for its translation. If you dont have enough space add a loose english translation that would make sense. Having it in the other language would make it look good it may add to the tone and the mood of the essay and also portray something important. The only issue is that AO's are not going to translate it as they go through your application in less than 15 mins and it goes through 3 diff rounds of like judgment if it doesnt get rejected within the first roung (fingers crossed!!) so they wont translate it so I recommend doing it for them :) hope this helped.
To keep this community safe and supportive:
What if I add an English translation? Should I still consider saying it in Gujarati for emphasis or just in English and say "my parents exclaimed in Gujarati?"