I’m asking this because I have a lot of other things to do and at my school, the class officers are popularity contest. Despite that, if I were to run, I would have a pretty high chance of winning because I know everyone in my grade. I just don't know if it matches with my extra curricular profile. Ill list my EC’s below (I am just copy pasting from a previous post because I’m lazy :/). I just want an opinion as to what it looks like for an outsider as well as if it something worth investing my time based on my EC’s
I’m class of 2025 btw
EC’s Below
Something’s I do
-Engineering President (VEX Robotics and Rocketry Compitetions)
-Varsity Tennis
- State Level Speech and Debater
-Going to be Mechanical Lead on a world level Robotics team
- Badminton Regional Placement
-200 Hours of Volunteering
- Founder of a Stem based non-profit (helps low income students in nearby cities with conventional robotics) and raised $2000 as of now
- Science Fair Project Right Now based on fluid dynamics and implications on boat integrity
-Varsity Math Team
-All A+s and and one A in French 3H
-All honors since the beginning of high school
- Some other projects that I am working but don’t know if they will work out/
My school does not offer AP’s until 11th Grade and they monitor our college board account so we can’t self study from our school. So I dont think any AP advice is going help. I am on track to take 9 by the and of HS anyway. Ill just list them down here.
-AP Stats
- AP Bio or Chem (Haven’t decided)
-AP Physics (C)
-AP Lang
-AP Calc BC
-AP French
-AP Human Gov.
-AP Lit
Hey there @Prancer!
I can only speak from experience, since I am my class's secretary (class of 2026). The rest of your ECs sound very strong, as do your academics, and running for class secretary will only bump up your profile overall if you win. Colleges like to see people in leadership roles, and becoming a class officer is definitely one way to show your leadership skills. I would advise you to run, but only if you can be fully dedicated to the job.
Good luck!
I think that, if you have the time it would be a great opportunity but if being a class officer would not be something you could focus your full attention on, compared to someone that doesn't have many extracurriculars, it would be more beneficial for both you and your school if you did not. For a sophomore you have a great resume and
I don't think not running for a class officer position will put you at a disadvantage. Regarding whether you should take AP Bio or AP Chem, as someone who has taken AP Bio and is currently taking AP Chem/Lang/Stats, I would recommend AP Chem if you prefer math and learning about reactions, how they've come to be, how to best use them to your advantage without hurting the environment... stuff like that. If you prefer learning about life, stuff like cells, how eukaryotes/prokaryotes came to be, evolution and just more life related topics then that would be a great choice. If you plan on being in a health/medical/bio research field then AP Bio def. If you want to do scientific research (like making medicines/vaccines) or engineering then AP Chem might be a better option. In terms of which is harder, AP Chem has a lot of math where AP Bio has a lot of basic memorization so it depends on the person. Everything is completely up to you and I hope my answer has helped.
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Ok. I mean the current sc. is not very popular at all even if she is the incumbent so I’m basically garunteed in office if I run. The only question is if it would really stand out as one of my EC’s. I might be tennis team captain and I am a mechanical lead on my robotics team. I am also the founder of a non-profit. Is being a class officer really good in comparison to the rest of my profile in terms of leadership? Most importantly, are you enjoying your time as a class officer?