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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Harvard Class of 2027 never fails to lower expectations with record low SCREA admit rate of 7.5%

Today Harvard College today accepted 722 students to the Class of 2027 from a pool of 9,553 who applied under the early action program 7.53%. This is lower than the 7.87% figure from the last cycle 740/9406.

What is more notable is the push to admit more Black, LatinX, Asian and Indigenous applicants over Whites. Also, there was an increase of 1.5% more International admits as well. This is not a good EA cycle for Upper middle to Rich Caucasian applicants.

So far, more than 14 percent of the admitted students come from first-generation college backgrounds, compared with nearly 12 percent last year. In addition, this year 10.8 percent are estimated to be eligible for federal Pell Grants for those demonstrating exceptional need.

“Nearly a quarter of Harvard College students come from families with incomes under $75,000.”

— Jake Kauffman, Griffin Director of Financial Aid

African Americans constitute 14.4 percent of those admitted (13.9 percent last year), Asian Americans 29.1 percent (25.9 percent last year), Latinx 8.4 percent (10.5 percent last year), and Native Americans and Native Hawaiians 1.7 percent (3.7 percent last year).

International citizens comprise 14.1 percent of the admitted students to date this year, compared with 12.6 percent last year.

With demand slightly rising across the board, I anticipate close to 54,000 RD applications with an RD rate of 2.2% (1230/53000). This will push the overall admit rate to 3.0-3.1% (1950/63500) for the 2027 freshman class, another historical low.

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2 years ago[edited]

Official US Census data says Hispanic or Latinos account for 18.9% of the total population. Harvard admired only 8.4℅ (10.5℅ last year) Latinx. It's clear what group is the most discriminated. Shame on you, Harvard.


2 years ago

Hi @CameronBameron!

Asian Americans are currently at the center of the debate regarding affirmative action policies at Harvard with the claim being that affirmative action discriminates against Asians. However, this application cycle has shown otherwise. Since you've been following statistics for a considerable amount of time, what are your views on this? Is it just this cycle, or has the number of Asians admitted to Harvard been increasing over the years?

🎤2 years ago

Yes, I think the # Asian admitted to Harvard is steadily increasing over the past 3 years. It was 23% for the Class of 25 and 26% for the Class of 26 and now 29%. I think this is deliberate to get ahead of the Supreme Court case. If Harvard shows that it admits 29.1% of Asians while they only represent 7.3% of the US population, they are not discriminating against them for attributes like Personal Character. I think they are doing this for the benefit of the 9 Justices that are following Harvard admissions right now.

2 years ago

I thought so too ... No better way to get out of the case than admitting more Asians. If the Supreme Court keeps affirmative action alive, do you think Harvard will admit fewer Asians next year?

🎤2 years ago[edited]

If AA is kept alive, it will just give all Ivys, Elites, and LACs license to hide behind the veil of "holistic" evaluation because they can say Harvard uses 235 criteria in evaluating applicants and no one will be able to refute that. So all Top college admissions will remain someone secretive, private, and non-transparent. Unless one is a Harvard admissions officer, one can't really say here are the things you need to do to get into Harvard. You can make an educated guess but that's about it.

2 years ago

Hmm... Thanks for your insight! BTW, good luck with your finals!

🎤2 years ago

Finished the last one today. Now about 50 pages of papers to write. CU is brutally hard, one of the harder ivies for sure.

2 years ago

Plus, the majority of admitted international students were also Asians, so in total, Asians account for way more than a third of all admitted students.

🎤2 years ago

I think Harvard is motivated by bad PR and the SSFA lawsuit. I think that is also why they voted in and hired their 1st Black Female President in 387 years. This gives cover for them. If AA is overturned than, the Black president will find other ways to create their version of diversity on campus.


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