a year ago
Admissions Advice

Are Ivy leagues feasible

I got to a very small school (like maybe slightly above 100 people in highschool) and they do not provide any advanced classes and I can't take a class ment for seniors. Would getting into an Ivy League school be feasible?

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago[edited]

NO one can properly answer this without more information about you and some context. Ivies use over 200 variables when determining fit for their schools so you need to share some basics before you get a ballpark indication.

What grade are you in now? What is your unweighted GPA? Have you taken a PSAT test yet? If so, what was your score? What are the top 5 things you do outside of the classroom? Are you a great athlete? Great singer? Musician? dancer? How do you impact your community? Are you middle class, or low income (less than $75K household income)? Are you black, LatinA, or indigenous? What is your greatest achievement and honor thus far?

Thanks in advance for giving more context to your inquiry.

a year ago

Getting into Ivy League schools is certainly feasible if you cannot take any advanced classes. Top colleges want applicants to take the most rigorous course load possible. For example, if honors classes are the highest level classes you can take, then colleges will want to see you take as many as you can.

As others have said, self-studying for AP exams is another way to help you stand out. Also see if your school would allow you to take dual-enrollment classes or AP classes through an online provider. Hope this helps!

a year ago

Getting into an Ivy League school could be feasible, but only if you have good extracurriculars and essays. Maybe try to self-study for a few AP exams or something. For extracurriculars, you could try to create a club or get involved in a club online or something.

a year ago

Hi @Jstark!

If you don't have access to advanced classes, you can try self-studying for AP exams or taking accredited online courses. This shows that you are willingly going beyond what your high school has to offer. You won't be at a disadvantage during admissions because you did not have the opportunity to take rigorous classes.

Getting into an Ivy League school is feasible if you demonstrate that you're a strong applicant not just due to academics, but also considering extracurricular involvement. Try to build a great extracurricular profile in order to make your application appealing to the admissions officers. This will partially make up for the lack of college-level coursework.

Hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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