Hi! I just want an opinion from anyone out there whether I should take the ACT... I'm not sure what to do because it's Junior year and I'm also in AP classes so I have to prepare for those exams as well. I have done no prep for it and I'll have to take it in April (more than likely).
I took the December 3rd SAT and got a 1390 (EVBRW - 670 | Math - 720).
I have an unweighted GPA of 98.088 and a weighted 102.
Colleges = University of Washington, University of Stony Brook, SUNY University at Buffalo, SUNY University at Albany, Hofstra.
Degree/program = Pre-Med
APs - APWH (5), AP Eng. Lang (May), APUSH (May), AP Physics 1 (not taking).
Pretty strong extracurriculars.
Thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it. If you need more info let me know.
With your college list, I don't think it matters much and you have a good SAT score for those schools. I'm curious about why UofWashington because they don't have good financial aid for out of state. I'm assuming you are New Yorker. Or are you in WA, trying to apply to State Schools in NY? Have I got it backward?
You don't really have to, this is very strong, although you may want to try for a 31-32 if you decide to take the ACT.
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Hi @CameronBameron, You're right - I live in NY... I have Univ. of Washington on my list because of their Pre-Med program and I like Seattle. I really only want to stay in NY or go to Univ. of Washington. I did not know that they don't have good financial aid... I want to go to a school with low tuition (and possibly scholarships) so I don't have to really worry about Undergraduate fees, since I want to go to med school and they don't really give out scholarships.