Why did they nearly 3000 drop in EA applications this year? Simple. It's because MIT now requires either the SAT or ACT to apply. Therefore they had 20% fewer applicants this year due to that singular change in admissions requirements. I anticipate that other peer institutions like CalTech, Harvey Mudd, VTech, and Olin, all are getting more applications because they are still test-optional.
2027 MIT (EA) 11,924 685 5.74%
2026 MIT (EA) 14,781 697 4.71%
I don't understand where you saw Georgia Tech listed as test-optional.
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Great point!! However, GaTech isn't test-optional as far as I know. They weren't test-optional last year too. They claim it as a way to 'filter' applications, even though it won't determine an acceptance/rejection. Many more universities like Purdue are test-optional but they highly suggest taking the SAT/ACT and sending them results.